Back when I had more free time, I got quite interested in using POV-ray - my day job is as a programmer, and this was a way for me to use some of those skills to be artistic.
My profile pic is a cropped version of what I consider to be my nicest rendering to date, something I simply called "Ring & Ball":
![enter image description here](
While it looks simple, at the time using the processor I had available, rendering a full size image such as this took (literally) many hours - on a more modern chip it's seconds, or minutes at most!
For anyone who wants to see an example of what POV-Ray code looks like, here's a few sections from the file that defines the image.
The blue sphere at the center:
#declare sphereSize = 2;
sphere {
texture {
pigment { rgbf <0.25,0.5,1,0.9> }
interior { I_Glass }
finish { phong 0.9 }
The silver "bands" that encircle the red torus are defined as a single band, which are two cylinders (defined as a cone
that doesn't taper) with a slightly smaller one "subtracted" (using the difference
command) from the middle of a larger one:
#declare band = difference {
cone {
<0,-0.25,0>,ringWidth + 0.1
<0,0.25,0>,ringWidth + 0.1
cone {
texture { T_Chrome_5E }
rotate x*90
This band
definition is then iterated over and revolved around 360o:
#declare rot = 0;
#while (rot < 2*pi)
object {
rotate y*(degrees(rot)+90)
translate <ringRadius*sin(rot),0,ringRadius*cos(rot)>
#declare rot = rot + (pi/3);
I hope this was interesting, and gets you inspired to get making stuff! If you didn't already find it, make sure you checkout the POV-Ray Hall of Fame - there's some really great examples of what can be achieved.
There are some of our most active users whose avatars I've always been curious about.
I'm curious to know who?