How about a film night in chat?
Movie nights have been a thing in SFF chat for a long time. I know the HP films are neither primary canon nor, honestly, very good, but this would be a nice way to coordinate a bunch of people together in a group activity of a type that's already been tried and tested.
All of the Harry Potter films watched end-to-end would be about 20 hours long, so I don't know exactly how we'd organise this.
- One possibility would be to set up a viewing room to show all the films one after another, and people could drop in throughout the day when they're around (our European and American users probably wouldn't catch much of the first few films, but the later ones are more exciting anyway).
- Another possibility would be to have a poll to choose the best HP film and watch that at a scheduled time. But there might not be enough time for voters to see such a poll before Friday.
Please comment with your thoughts! This needs people to be interested and proactive if it's going to work. Especially since I won't be able to take part - I'm going to be busy IRL this Friday.
don't like the idea of a topic challenge on the main site for this. People ask dozens of HP questions all the time anyway; a topic challenge would hardly make a difference in the tag stats. (If you can come up with a single really relevant question, and it gets to HNQ, that might be nice, but maybe it's
already been asked.) Topic challenges could be a thing to do one day (it's an idea a couple of the mods have had on a back burner for a long time), but they should be a way to bring attention to less popular tags, so Harry Potter is the very
last tag we should use for a topic challenge.