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27 votes

Why the massive rep-drop yesterday?

I can't get super deep into detail here, but it deserves some explanation. I know this question touches a... whole hell of a lot of users on this site. To be brief, we released a new tool to help mods ...
Slate's user avatar
  • 101
17 votes

How did I lose a point of rep in this situation?

Since you don't have an answer posted, the obvious conclusion is that you downvoted LogicDictates' answer. Downvoting answers incurs a small rep cost to prevent frivolous use. The question also has a ...
Valorum's user avatar
  • 718k
17 votes

Why did I just lose 100+ rep?

Your latest comment seems to answer this. Your physical proximity to another user (and their consistent attention to your questions and answers) seems to have triggered some sort of anti-sockpuppeting ...
Valorum's user avatar
  • 718k
13 votes

Why haven't I got additional reputation since the question votes recalc?

Your reputation has already been recalculated. As a moderator I can see a log in your user history which notes a reputation recalculation at November 13 19:34:47Z from 2,074 to 2,738. You can also ...
Null's user avatar
  • 70.3k
11 votes

Who moderates the high end users?

Users are moderated mostly by each other and ultimately by moderators. The fact that one user did a lot of protecting of questions is not, by itself, a problem. Many questions need protecting due to ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
  • 136k
11 votes

Why the massive rep-drop yesterday?

This is a bit of a guess, but I'm posting it because I suspect there won't be any official comment about this. (There normally isn't about this kind of thing.) I sometimes noodle around the subtabs ...
DavidW's user avatar
  • 143k
10 votes

Should there be a higher reputation bonus for editing?

I'll start off by echoing what Null has said in that this would be a network wide change and so whilst it's perfectly fine to suggest it here, suggesting it over on main meta would get more eyes on it ...
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
  • 144k
9 votes

Why the massive rep-drop yesterday?

While originally this message always meant that you had personally received a suspicious number of votes from a certain user (or several!), it now is used for at least three different types of voting ...
Laurel's user avatar
  • 24.1k
9 votes

When will reputation re-calculation be finished for this site?

When they fix the problems with it on MSE as explained by Jon. It will run sometimes after that. Yes it is, but for now it's just on MSE. We're working through some problems as we speak. — Jon ...
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
  • 144k
8 votes

Why is fez's reputation showing up as -202 on the "Users" page?

You're looking at the reputation of the users in this calendar month, August. Since this user gave a bounty, their reputation in the last month has fallen. Due to the numbers, it's evident that they ...
Adamant's user avatar
  • 119k
6 votes

Do we gain our reputation back if we undo an accidental down-vote?

Yes, but again the reputation change may take time to show up.
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
  • 136k
5 votes

Can the admin please check my account for an instance of serial down voting?

The patterns of voting that you've experienced aren't unusual, nor do they represent "serial downvoting", even if it's the same person that has downvoted you. Pretty much any time serial ...
Valorum's user avatar
  • 718k
5 votes

What types of site analytics are given at 25,000 rep?

Post numbers; Vote Counts; Site Traffic; Site analytic and Traffic Sources; All of which is basically pointless. Apparently SE would prefer that we not share the raw data (huh?) but is happy to ...
Valorum's user avatar
  • 718k
4 votes

Not receiving any reputation change notifications

There was an issue with some of the reputation messages going to the achievements drop down - the initial fix helped, but did not resolve the root issue, which is why you have seen the issue come back....
Oded's user avatar
  • 163
4 votes

Why the massive rep-drop yesterday?

What's confusing me is why it says 'Serial Voting Reversed'. Though I'm familiar with the general idea of what that means, I can't see how anything that's evidently affected so many users can be ...
F1Krazy's user avatar
  • 16k
4 votes

How much counts as a "significant" rep change from a user being removed?

We don't know. The exact thresholds for things like what counts as serial voting, or automatic question and answer bans, are kept secret. If they were public, people might be able to abuse them. I've ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
  • 136k
3 votes

Why are un-upvotes/un-acceptance not reflected in Reputation cap?

Like acceptances, unacceptances are above and beyond the repcap. The repcap limits you to 200 points a day from votes. If you get n answers accepted and m unaccepted, your cap for the day is 200+15n-...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
  • 136k
3 votes

Why are un-upvotes/un-acceptance not reflected in Reputation cap?

In short this is a feature of the rep system. Normally rep is capped at 200 points per day. When you get an acceptance or a bounty it temporarily increases your repcap by the appropriate amount. The ...
Valorum's user avatar
  • 718k
3 votes

Can't receive reputation notification after starting a bounty

Since you clicked on it, it'll now show up. If you hadn't, it wouldn't have shown until you earned back the rep that spent on the bounty, because the top bar only shows the notification when it's a ...
Mithical's user avatar
  • 39.1k
2 votes

Why did my reputation drop by 6?

Because you deleted this answer. It had one upvote (+10 rep) and two downvotes (-4 rep), so deleting it cost you 6 rep.
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
  • 136k
2 votes

Why is my daily rep at 199 when I have "dead rep"?

For obvious reasons when I go to your profile I cannot see your downvotes, however, tracking the +2 and +1 rep gains I think the following has happened as shown on your profile. Also worth noting that ...
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
  • 144k
2 votes

Why are un-upvotes/un-acceptance not reflected in Reputation cap?

The rep cap is effectively 200 rep worth of votes. Reputation is capped at 200 per day, but remember that bounty awards and accepted answers are immune to this daily reputation cap. Sidebar of ...
amflare's user avatar
  • 32.7k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible