So I had a couple good answers yesterday and were fortunate enough to receive a large number of up-votes. I continued along with daily activities that did include some down votes on answers. My total activity ended looking like this:
As you can see I totaled 199 reputation... why is this not 200? Should the "dead rep" from up-votes that would have pushed me over the cap kicked in?
I have up-votes that have recorded no rep. A secondary question, with the day showing 199 does this also mean that I did not get credit toward a Legendary badge as I did not "earn 200 daily reputation"?
For what it's worth, I went through my profile and manually counted the days I had 200+ rep recorded and came up with 52. My progress toward the Legendary badge is currently at 64, so there twelve days where I am showing less than 200 reputation but still counted toward badge progress. My hunch is that those days are similar to this example (there were a few other 198-199 days).