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36 votes

Is it acceptable to use an NSFW word in a question?

I already saw this question and its edit history due to a flag last night, so I've had some time to think about it. Here's my proposal for some general guidelines to cover situations like this. It's ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
  • 135k
24 votes

Editing another user's questions

Welcome :) The purpose of this forum is to ask and answer questions related to science fiction and fantasy, yes, but it is not a casual forum. It's totally normal here for users to edit other users'...
Slytherincess's user avatar
22 votes

Was I right to roll this edit back?

We should leave Matt Gutting's revision in place. Don't roll it back. I'm inclined toward that Matt Gutting should have posted their own answer rather than revise that one. I have a personal rule of ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
19 votes

Editing a question to add details that the querent doesn't want to add

First of all, lets get this out of the way, so we can focus on the real question: Edit Wars Are Bad, Stop Having Them If you make an edit to a question, and the OP rolls it back, stop there. If you ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
  • 104k
18 votes

I disagree with the approved edit made to the title of my question. Should I edit it back? it okay for the OP to roll back approved edits to the question if he/she disagrees with it? Generally, yes. The community typically defers to the wishes of the OP if the OP expresses a ...
Null's user avatar
  • 70.2k
18 votes

What's up with prominent users editing blatantly off topic posts?

Abbreviations reminder, just in case: DV = downvote, VTC/VTD = vote to close/delete, LQP = low quality posts. First, as Kevin pointed out in a comment, there are a couple of reasons to edit off-topic ...
Jenayah's user avatar
  • 58k
17 votes

Was I right to roll this edit back?

Oh wow. I didn't realize I'd be upsetting the hornet's nest on this. My rationale in changing it in the first place was that it was clearly an insufficient answer. If it had been flagged and come up ...
Matt Gutting's user avatar
  • 20.5k
16 votes

Should we edit obviously wrong questions?

Since the edit (if done properly) would not change the fundamental basis of the question, I see no harm. The OP clarified his question in a comment I am questioning why he was even given a ...
Paulie_D's user avatar
  • 25.2k
16 votes

Are users allowed to add information when editing a Story-Identification question?

Information added to a story ID question by another user may change the meaning of the question because the other user (editor) may be recalling a similar but different story. According to the help ...
Null's user avatar
  • 70.2k
14 votes

Should somebody remove the "edit to add" part of somebody else's question?

Consensus on main meta is that "EDIT" or similar words in the body of an edited post are rarely needed, nor helpful. accepted answer to "When is “EDIT”/“UPDATE” appropriate in a post?" The ...
Null's user avatar
  • 70.2k
14 votes

Was I right to roll this edit back?

I wouldn't have rejected it in the queue. It doesn't change the meaning of the answer - it adds relevant information. It's always good to improve a bad answer and make it good - it's better than ...
Mithical's user avatar
  • 39.1k
14 votes

Is it OK to edit an answer just to rescind one's own old vote?

Voters should be able to change their votes, even if it requires the answer to be edited. But those edits must have some value. To be frank, I've never been clear on why votes need to be "locked in" ...
Valorum's user avatar
  • 710k
14 votes

What's up with prominent users editing blatantly off topic posts?

Since your question is specifically about "blatantly off-topic posts", I'll restrict this answer to the context where the questions are clearly off-topic and none of the users involved want to reopen ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
  • 135k
14 votes

Editing old posts with no improvement whatsoever

These edits are improving the posts so there is no action to be taken except, maybe, saying thank you for taking the time to do it. Wookiee and Wookieepedia are commonly misspelled and I know the ...
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
  • 144k
13 votes

The Big Edit Event (is finished)

Acknowledgements Let's have a big round of applause for all those who helped take part in the Big Edit Event (that image shows the number of edits made from Saturday/Sunday midnight up to now; I ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
  • 135k
13 votes

Was I right to roll this edit back?

Does it make the answer better? Yes it definitely does. Another person with <2k rep had suggested the same edit as you, and I had rejected it on the grounds that it actively harms the answer Was ...
Gallifreyan's user avatar
  • 20.6k
13 votes

Editing another user's questions

You are partly right about this site, and partly not quite right. You say: I thought this was an informal forum (like many others similar) where one could ask a simple question and receive a few ...
KutuluMike's user avatar
  • 104k
13 votes

Can we fix broken Memory Alpha links?

Finally had a bit to get this taken care of. I poked around and noticed that there were 1920 outdated URLs that were redirecting (for most people) from to memory-alpha.fandom....
Catija's user avatar
  • 1,457
11 votes

Editing a question to add details that the querent doesn't want to add

There's a few different things going on here. I'll take them in order of importance. 1) Stop editing this question. Once the OP has explicitly rejected your edit, stop being a jerk by continuing to ...
Valorum's user avatar
  • 710k
11 votes

How much editing is too much?

I think you should just make a new post and recommend that one be deleted. My own rule of thumb is this: I don't put more effort into editing a post than the author put into their post in the first ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
11 votes

How to handle answers edited to add something that appears to infringe copyright

Since I was the user that made the edit let me address your points in this post in order. Firstly, the reason I made the edit in the first place is because providing the link on its own isn't great as ...
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
  • 144k
11 votes

What is the correct way to thank an editor?

Post a comment under your (edited) question that says Thank you @Whoever for your kind edit. Note that 'thank you' comments are considered low-value, so don't be too alarmed if they eventually get ...
Valorum's user avatar
  • 710k
10 votes

Should we edit obviously wrong questions?

When you spot an obvious error, you should absolutely correct it, ideally as soon as possible in order to prevent the OP from suffering from drive-by downvotes (from users who've stopped by to ...
Valorum's user avatar
  • 710k
10 votes

Can we fix broken Memory Alpha links?

I've talked with the community team about this. Since the redirect seems to be working for almost everyone, they're putting it in the backlog and will get to it sooner or later. If the redirect breaks ...
Kevin's user avatar
  • 30.9k
9 votes

Should we rewrite the 'lightsaber colour' question?

Edit it. The pros of having a sensible question and answer that already is and may likely be in the future the target for Duplicate Votes to Close far out weigh the "cons". You say that we will be ...
Skooba's user avatar
  • 61.3k
9 votes

Tag wiki edit history

This is easy enough to obtain via SEDE: select top 100 concat('site://tags/', Tags.TagName, '/info|', Tags.TagName, ' tag wiki') ...
Shog9's user avatar
  • 101
9 votes

Is it OK to edit an answer just to rescind one's own old vote?

Found an answer on main meta that links to an answer on another question by Jeff Atwood, where he suggests: If you have doubts, reserve your vote. If you feel so strongly that you've made a terrible ...
JohnP's user avatar
  • 19.7k
9 votes

What other names from Tolkien's Legendarium are often misspelled?

Candidates so far (other then Silmaril / Silmarillion): Barad-dûr (found: Baradur, Barad Ur) Dol Guldur (found: Dol Guldor) dwarf (found: dwarve, wearer of scarve) Eärendil (found: Erendil) Ilúvatar (...
8 votes

Was this Rollback justified?

The rollback wasn't justified and should be reverted. The order of events is as follows; The question was asked. After a brief comment discussion, five users felt that it was "too broad" for comfort ...
Valorum's user avatar
  • 710k
8 votes

Is it OK to edit an answer just to rescind one's own old vote?

NO. Edits should only be made if actually improving the post, not just to change your voting. One thing I would consider while doing this is what is your end goal? If the answer you are wanting to ...
Skooba's user avatar
  • 61.3k

Only top scored, non community-wiki answers of a minimum length are eligible