User vandalised their account before rage-quitting. How best to resolve?
Unfortunately, as always acceptances are wholly the OP's decision. People can accept answers which are 100% wrong, or not accept answers at all, and there's nothing anyone else can do about it.
Rand al'ThorMod
- 135k
Profile name has changed unexpectedly?
I checked your user history page (visible only to moderators) and it shows an "edit displayname" event on 2023-05-20 04:09:35Z where your username was changed from NJohnny to user92109.
Rand al'ThorMod
- 135k
Relating various used usernames to users
Is there a way to look this up?
Not really. Past usernames aren't recorded on (the publicly visible parts of) a user's account. You might possibly be able to get some of this info using Data.SE, or ...
Rand al'ThorMod
- 135k
Is it alright to change my profile name again?
As someone who has changed usernames in the past, I'd say this, It's 100% your call.
I changed mine from my original username when I joined this specific SE and added a notice on my profile to let ...
Why is fez's reputation showing up as -202 on the "Users" page?
You're looking at the reputation of the users in this calendar month, August. Since this user gave a bounty, their reputation in the last month has fallen.
Due to the numbers, it's evident that they ...
Been away for awhile, credentials/badges seem gone. Can I relink to past posts, as some have relevance to questions I can answer?
Per your comment, this is probably the answer you're talking about and this should then be your old user account.
You can either merge your accounts or just stop using this one and try to log into ...
Is there a limit to how often or how many posts a user can comment on or edit in a given period of time?
There isn't really. As long as all of the comments are helpful and not too chatty, and otherwise in keeping with the purpose of comments, we don't want to limit it. New helpful comments are ...
Is it alright to change my profile name again?
You can only change your display name once every 30 days, so you'll have to wait until 30 days have passed before changing your name again.
I'd advise against changing your name too often though - if ...
How do I delete my scifi.SE profile only?
To answer your question...
From the help centre:
If you have voted or posted, please contact the Stack Exchange Team:
Visit the contact form and select 'I need to delete my user profile.' After you ...
Rand al'ThorMod
- 135k
How much counts as a "significant" rep change from a user being removed?
We don't know.
The exact thresholds for things like what counts as serial voting, or automatic question and answer bans, are kept secret. If they were public, people might be able to abuse them. I've ...
Rand al'ThorMod
- 135k
Relating various used usernames to users
A year+ ago a site user (I'm thinking Phantom but not sure) created a list of deleted user maps as a service to the community.
To the best of my recollection, Community Managers stepped in and said ...
Relating various used usernames to users
As shown by this meta question, it is an available feature to moderators and developers only. (And even then, not for life but a limited time).
When I merge accounts, will I be contacted through email or phone? And how do I decide which account it's going to be through?
I think that they always keep the profile of the account with the lower id (which will be older). It would be smart to save a copy of your desired profile pic and summary just in case.
You should ...
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