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Izkata's user avatar
Izkata's user avatar
  • Member for 13 years, 6 months
  • Last seen more than 1 year ago
  • Chicago, IL
20 votes

Why down-voting results in negative reputation?

16 votes

Can I change my answer completely?

16 votes

Preserving the accuracy of quoted material

13 votes

Should we always close the newer question as the duplicate?

13 votes

What should be our Off-Topic reasons?

12 votes

Why was the quasar question migrated to Physics.SE instead of Astronomy.SE?

10 votes

Should the information that Vader reveals in Cloud-City be considered a spoiler?

9 votes

Tag 'the-doctor'. Doctor Who or Voyager?

7 votes

Should I edit an answer with misinformation or just write a new answer?

7 votes

Is the answer appearing in the first few results of a Google search sufficient basis for a *potential* General Reference closure?

6 votes

Why should this question be split?

5 votes

How to handle "What are [character name] force powers?" type questions?

5 votes

Hat suggestions 2012

5 votes

Is there a point at which someone should start getting paranoid about serial downvoting?

5 votes

When Should We Edit a Title?

5 votes

What Harry Potter questions don't have a good enough **canon** answers?

5 votes

Are we really fit to give judgement on what is 'canon'?

5 votes

Is there a such thing as "too much tag wiki"?

5 votes

Why is linking ST questions to ST-Minutiae rather than to Memory Alpha better?

5 votes

Question about bumped answers

5 votes

Should we require a quote and/or external link in every answer?

3 votes

Add support for tables

2 votes

Why don't some people vote?

1 vote

Close Reason: This question belongs on another site in the Stack Exchange network

1 vote

How can I get -8 for a single DV?

1 vote

Why was this 'how to sell my Analog magazines' question closed?

1 vote

Do we still want a (community driven) Topic of the Week/Month?

1 vote

Why don't I receive notifications on Scifi & Fantasy Meta?

1 vote

Add ability to use wildcarded tags in search

0 votes

Should we delete "plot-explanation" tag?