Our most recent chat event (The Day the Earth Stood Still) was our most successful yet, with five commenters and 13 another lurkers watching from the sidelines.
It's now time to pick August's Movie Event #2!!! (woo!!!)
Update - As the answer with the joint highest overall score and highest number of upvotes, our choice for the next event is (...drumroll....) Alien!
Join us in the chatroom on 22nd August at 10pm UTC to watch together
As before, you need to pick your preferred film and post it as an answer below. Upvote the ones you like and the top answer (by Thursday 20th August at midnight UTC) will be selected as the winner. We'll then watch together on Saturday 22nd August at 10pm UTC in the Mos Eisley chatroom.
Choose wisely and remember, all most suggestions will be considered carefully, with no exceptions very few exceptions