If you have high rep (>10k), you can see this answer of mine: https://scifi.stackexchange.com/a/170330/931
I didn't delete it. And, I have no idea why it was deleted. I guess it was found offensive.
The other posts on the same page either say or assume Hitler and Nazi Germany absolute evil and nobody found it offensive. When I put it with different perspective to show that Wizards might not see Hitler as most people see, everyone is finding it offensive. I don't think criticizing a defunct empire which killed over 100 million people and a leader who artificially created famine to kill over 4 million people and countless more should be considered offensive if criticizing Nazi Germany and Hitler aren't offensive.
Also, if someone doesn't like my answer, they are free to downvote it, but why does the answer need to be deleted?
And, if my answer is deleted, why aren't other posts containing more direct hate speech against Hitler and Nazi Germany deleted?
why aren't other posts containing more direct hate speech against Hitler and Nazi Germany deleted?
Because no one has flagged them, you're welcome to flag answers as you see fit.vote for the post. Not the user.
I generally do - and in many cases, begrudgingly - however, this particular user has earned my distrust. Besides, in this case he fails to separate himself from the post, why are we obliged to do the same?. Also rethat's what those up and down arrows are for
the post was locked before I got a chance to DV this, had it not been, I'd wager we'd find it somewhere deep within the Halls of Mandos by now.