There are now Stack Exchange sites about anime & manga and movies & TV. Questions about SF anime, manga or movies could therefore be on-topic on two sites.
- My understanding is that a question that could be addressed by someone should be exposed if possible. Ideally, I think cross-listing a sci-fi movie question across both sites might provide a question with the most exposure. However, I am not sure the StackExchange architecture would support this.
- If #1 is not possible or is against the policy of SE sites, how do we handle questions for Sci-Fi movies? Should they all be moved to this SF&F site? I am not sure what the best solution is that makes sure that a sci-fi movie question is answered.
Is anyone familiar with any other cases of site overlap and how they have been dealt with? If the overlap forces drastic changes to these sites, should works be split up into separate media sites like Movies & TV or separate genre sites like SF&F?