This site has a long-standing policy that questions about future works should be closed: if a question is asking specifically about a book/film/episode/comic/etc. that has not yet been released, the question should be closed at least until the release date, to prevent purely speculative answers. (This policy was clarified in 2018: questions about already-released works, even if the answer is unknown and may be in future works, do not fall under the Future Works Policy.)
In 2016, the community discussed adding a custom close reason for Future Works. The consensus was not to create one, but only because, at that time, custom close reason meant custom off-topic close reason. These questions are not off-topic, if they're about sci-fi or fantasy: they may be perfectly good questions a year or a week after being closed. What people really wanted was a custom opinion-based close reason, which didn't exist back then.
Fast forward to 2020, when Stack Exchange has made some changes to the question closure system, including changing the "off-topic" in custom close reasons to "a community-specific reason". Now that a custom close reason wouldn't necessarily imply off-topicness, let's revisit the discussion about creating one for the Future Works Policy.
Should we create a new custom close reason for Future Works questions?
- Currently this site is using the conventional maximum of three custom close reasons. However, one of them is the plain non-descriptive "not about science fiction or fantasy" close reason, which would be easy to abolish in favour of custom close comments actually explaining why a question is not about science fiction or fantasy. Alternatively, we can ask SE to increase the number of custom close reasons available for this site (the absolute maximum is five).
- To simplify the discussion, let's not start drafting the exact wording of a Future Works close reason in this meta post. Let's first get a consensus on whether or not we want to have it at all. (If people are in favour of having it but don't like a particular proposed wording, that could confuse the voting.)
- I don't know any way to get statistics on how much this close reason is used. The question close stats page (10k+ link) is no help, because we usually close these questions as opinion-based rather than using a custom close comment. Also, its usage often comes in spikes; it's used more during the release weeks of a popular TV series like Doctor Who or Game of Thrones, because lots of questions need to be closed as "wait for the next episode".