Over the past few months, or almost a year now, since I saw Arqade's call for input I've been thinking of ways that we can do the same here on SFF. So taking and tailoring the questions from that post we have:
In your opinion, what are SFF’s strengths and weaknesses?
What are the day-to-day challenges or issues you face with SFF?
What’s that ‘one thing’ you wish the site had, handled, or did differently?
Do you have any suggestions, feature-requests, or other wishes?
Got an idea for a tournament, contest, or other community get-together?
Would you like a followup to an old meta/bug/feature-request?
Can we look over a reviewed/edited/closed/deleted question for a second opinion?
What can we do to facilitate community events or otherwise help you out?
Can we do more to promote SFF?
These aren't the only points I want to talk about but just some general starting points to get some ideas flowing.
So, the plan for this post is to have a separate answer per idea, the community can then vote them up or down and after so long I, or someone else, can come along and post a specific meta on that point made and we can develop the idea further there.
Please post your ideas and improvements below!