I don't feel like we need the generic reason back. It's incredibly generic that it is used as a catch all reason to cover pretty much everything and that's not great in itself. Instead it's always better to explain why something needs to be closed, especially with newer users who may be unfamiliar with the site and its scope. So of course it will always be used more but that's not necessarily a good thing and in some cases could even be a bad thing!
Previously with the catch all reason closure would go along the lines of: vote to close with the generic reason and then maybe leave a comment. That could leave some users confused if they don't understand the reason it was closed and is not good user experience and so poor for keeping users around.
Now what should happen is users use the "Other" explainable reason and describe why the question is being closed. This is desirable for two reasons: it forces users to leave a comment and so others are aware of why it is being closed and it combines the close and comment step into one which is better. There's also a third hidden reason in that it also helps us find any close reason that is used a lot and potentially make that a proper custom close reason in the future.
It's also worth noting that the generic reason has only been gone for 4 days. Perhaps we should give things a little bit of time without it? If we feel like we're missing the old generic reason then we can see how things go. But we're probably jumping the gun here panicking with having it gone before we even know if we're going to miss it. Who knows the "new" workflow of using the "Other" close reason might even work better and I see no reason why it shouldn't.
I will add that of the last 90 days (as of writing) the generic reason was used the most:
- Real-world science question: 9 closures, 0 reopened
- This question does not appear to be about science fiction or fantasy within the scope defined in the help center: 25 closures, 3 reopened
- List/recommendation question: 16 closures, 2 reopened
However, as I lined out above its usefulness to others is less. I'll say that if we do want to try and get a fourth custom close reason it shouldn't be for some generic catch all reason but rather something a bit more specific. Sure the specific reasons are used less but that's because they cover something more, well, specific and codifying something specific over generic should always be preferred in my mind.