Linked Questions

23 votes
5 answers

Why would VTC as duplicate be appropriate for a story identification question? [duplicate]

I keep seeing this over and over and over in the review queue. Yes, story-idents can have identical answers, but this doesn't make them identical questions. Each person asking remembers different ...
John O's user avatar
  • 17.4k
2 votes
2 answers

How to deal with story ID questions with different details but the same answer [duplicate]

Say there exists a story ID question that lists details A and B and has an accepted answer. If a user posts another question that lists details C and D and you're absolutely sure that the answer is ...
jcm's user avatar
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5 votes
1 answer

Should story-identification requests that turn out to be about the same story be marked as duplicate? [duplicate]

This question and this question are about the same book, Profession by Asimov, as evidenced by the accepted answers. There is another question that's probably about the same book as well, but it has ...
SQB's user avatar
  • 39.1k
1 vote
1 answer

Can a identification question be marked as a duplicate of a question with no accepted answer? [duplicate]

I believe that these two questions have the same answer. Anime: main character equips a horned helmet to fight monsters/criminals, pulls out a sword from his arm Anime: Dying alien robot merge his ...
K Mo's user avatar
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0 answers

My question was closed as a duplicate but it's not really a duplicate [duplicate]

This question of mine, Which sci-fi book is this quote from?, was closed as a duplicate of this other question, What is Series Where There is an AI Born on the Solar System-Wide Network. I can see why ...
essay's user avatar
  • 259
3 votes
0 answers

Why was my question closed as duplicate? [duplicate]

I realize that it has no impact on anything but my question was closed as duplicate despite being asked 3 years earlier, having more answers, being higher upvoted and having more views than another.
Maja Piechotka's user avatar
25 votes
5 answers

Reopening a duplicate so you can add an answer, then reclosing it?

This question was asked yesterday: Very old novel about a planet with a living ocean A comment was posted asking whether the answer was "Solaris". OP replied to say that it was, so I closed ...
Valorum's user avatar
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7 votes
6 answers

Have story identification questions "overtaken" SF&F?

I recently asked about whether identification questions would be on-topic for a proposed beta. One of the replies originally stated that identification questions were some of the least productive on ...
user avatar
20 votes
3 answers

Is a user allowed to ask the same question twice if they didn't get an answer the first time?

About two months ago, the user Jared Westover asked a story-identification question: Book with a magic school in the sky. The question drew one answer, which was not accepted. Two days ago, Jared ...
MJ713's user avatar
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6 answers

Proposals for a list of FAQ questions

For the pedants: yes, I realise that "FAQ questions" looks like a tautology, as it means "frequently asked questions questions". But in this context, the word FAQ refers to the tag, so it means "meta ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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16 votes
3 answers

What to do when a question has been answered but the asker forgot to "accept it"?

Why did Dumbledore tell Harry there were 6 Horcruxes when he already knew Harry was a horcrux? DVK's answer is correct. The asker even commented thanking DVK. We all know it is the answer. But the ...
Saturn's user avatar
  • 12.3k
7 votes
4 answers

Under what conditions is self-answering 'Story Identification' questions considered abusing the site?

In my view, the way story-identification questions are written is not useful for future readers. For example, someone might ask: "I'm looking for a [work] that I can remember from [time]. I can ...
Zaibis's user avatar
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20 votes
1 answer

Can I add a note to my own incorrect story ID answer, explaining why it is incorrect?

Background Over a year ago, a story ID request was asked, about a lone man manning some sort of space station. I answered it, and even though my guess wasn't the actual story the querant was looking ...
SQB's user avatar
  • 39.1k
9 votes
4 answers

When to flag a potential duplicate?

I am somewhat confused by the duplicate flag. If one tries to flag a question as a duplicate, a comment is automatically added (in the flagger's name) asking the OP whether the proposed duplicate ...
Basya's user avatar
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7 votes
3 answers

What should we do if a Story-ID question acknowledges that they're looking for the same story as another user?

This question is a story-identification: Normally, questions can't be ...
tobiasvl's user avatar
  • 16.5k

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