I don't understand why users are allowed to (and why they would) do edits like this: https://scifi.stackexchange.com/posts/15623/revisions
He changed the picture.... into the same picture
That doesn't seem like a good reason for an edit. And all it did was bring up an old post from 3 months ago.
Users are allowed to edit their own posts which makes sense, I just think there should be some kind of restriction or something to prevent people from changing something to the same thing and unnecessarily reviving old topics like this. Maybe have someone check the edit, before it gets processed?
Most importantly though, I would like to know why would people do this, what does he gain from changing the picture into the same picture?
PS- same guy did the same thing here: https://scifi.stackexchange.com/posts/6130/revisions Now here he just bolded his words, didn't add anything though. Altough it could have some merit (he wanted to add more emphasis for example), I just thought it was slightly unnecessary to bring up an old, and answered, question for the sake of some formatting, but that's just me.
PPS- I'm not spreading hate or anything, Thaddeus is probably a really cool guy, and he's not the only one I've seen, just the only one today. It's just I saw him do it twice in the same day, and that's what prompted me to let someone know this is going on.