This question about closed time loops is, I think, at least the third time the author has posted on SF&F (this deleted question being noted as the second one, and an attempt on the Literature SE, also closed). The author makes reference to someone previously pointing him to a very similar analysis of themes in Romance, which seems like it's actually this question about Tragedy:
I'm still trying to find a way of wording this question that won't get deleted. I almost word for word copied a question that I was told was an example of an excellent question, and just substituted science fiction for romance, and the STILL deleted it. I'm beginning to think that this is just plain old gatekeeping. I've made every change that I've been asked to make and still they delete it.
As the question currently stands, it feels very much like it's asking a very general question over a large corpus of literature, which makes it either of massive scope, or inviting a lot of little answers regarding closed time loops in a particular piece of media. Overall, it just feels like it's inviting discussion rather than seeking an answer, even if the querent feels there's a distinct answer.
Maybe, since they state that there is a distinct change that can be analyzed, we could suggest that they post a self-answer that shows their own research?