My question, having been asked & answered in '15, was edited last year, but I noticed it today only & I disagree with the change.
The original question :
Why is The Wall the only Democracy in an otherwise Westerosi Monarchy?(Minor S05E02 & Book 3 spoiler)
The body of it was correctly edited for spoiler markdown & minor changes which didn't change its meaning.
I noticed today that the title was change to :
Why is the Night's Watch the only democracy in an otherwise feudal Westeros? (Minor S05E02 & Book 3 spoilers)
The Wall is a place & Night's Watch is an institution. Although technically alright, monarchy, democracy et. al. are always attributed to places. For example if ISIS captures a democratic nation like USA, we will say that USA is an autocracy.
Another problem is with removing Monarchy with feudalism. Westeros is a feudal monarchy. It's not just a feudal state. Power is through inheritance. I missed adding feudal to my question. Slaver's Bay or Vaes Dothrak can be called a feudal state though but not Westeros.
So the question is, is it okay for the OP to roll back approved edits to the question if he/she disagrees with it?