I understand that titles should be meaningful, and I admit that this just becomes a problem if something draws as much attention as its the case with GoT.
But still... I can't be quite sure as I haven't watched the season final yet, but I feel like the HNQ here just spoiled me with a compact summary of that episode.
I came up with this a few times already, I know. And I'm aware of the options to just exclude the HNQs.
But still, not everyone is willing to dive into meta for solving his problem, and getting a HNQ-list as I just did, just hopping over the topics and its already too late to lookup any solution.
My idea to solve this problem1 in case this is technically doable, using a tag like recent-release and making that tag be negatively considered in the HNQ scoring so that each site could provide at most 1 post with that tag to the HNQ at a time, if not even banning it or giving its title a spoiler protection in the HNQ.
EDIT: Note that this post actually mentioned from the very first beginning that hiding the HNQ is not considered a solution. Now just hopping back in here to see it was voted to be a duplicate of how to turn off the HNQ's feels a bit cheeky. Sorry for having to explicitly state this in an edit block. But having stated it in the text itself apparently got ignored.
1And it is a problem. Yeah each of the titles for them self isn't that spoily2, but HNQ as demonstrated makes that moot
2Well in my honest opinion, 3 of them are spoilers on their own