This answer...
Why didn't Agent Smith just die?
... is an 800 word wall of text with l33tspeak, txtspk, swearing, failed punctuation, poor grammar, next to no capitalisation, more swearing and can, most generously, be described as having no coherent thesis, counter thesis or argument.
neo just kinda lost to the source. neo wanted freedom from the matrix, he took a human body, he actively participated in the destruction of the matrix, he hated the source, in the end, he lost, or maybe, became great friends with the source. but lost the ultimate fight of domination. neo created morpheus and used morpheus body (morpheus u used to dance) to mislead zion members (great its morpheus, wat crazy talk u have now morpheus), also with trinity (in the beginning she is there in the matrix alone to talk to neo, at a club, after talking to him on the computer, wasn't it like hella hard to get into the matrix?), apac as well to try and fool the agents. he wanted to convince the humans to convince the machines. i try to judge each character as man or machine. Mr smith is the program neo playing into the sources hands i think, the entire movie neo is like taking it one day at a time, like a machine would inside a humans body, fighting smith as a program to end the resistance, like, i have the source fooled haha! but no, the source is onto you and the oracle and smith and everything is all there to put an end to neo's activities. more random thoughts, morpheus ship was like indoctrination ville with all the training programs and this and agent training jump training, which none of the other ship had, one mouse wrote one woman, one ugly toothless guy wrote one trainstation, and what, trinity wrote all that training? no i think a program did all that to 1 convince people of what they want like agents are soooo bad and u have to jump and karate, 2 show like wow trinity and morpheus cs+ skills thru the roof we gotta be on they nuts. cuz mr anderson is like THE trinity who hacked the fbi database omg!! cute! one of these lives has a future one of these does not. mr anderson dies. neo lives?
My VLQ was declined as "This answer is salvageable so please edit rather than flagging" which does (kinda) answer the question why it was rejected, but even with heroic amounts of editing I see no reasonable way to turn this into an acceptable answer.
So why was it rejected?