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9 votes

Harry Potter vs Star Wars wiki

The Harry Potter wiki is a poor effort in multiple ways. For instance, in this one page, the word 'may' appears 8 times, the word 'presumably' appears 3 times and the word 'apparently' also appears 3 ...
Au101's user avatar
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9 votes

Harry Potter vs Star Wars wiki

No idea about the Star Wars wiki, but the Harry Potter wiki has two main problems: Their canon policy disagrees with the commonly accepted practice on this site. We tend to only accept Rowling's ...
ibid's user avatar
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2 votes

Harry Potter vs Star Wars wiki

It has more to do with the state of Canon for the various universes. Star Wars has a definitive list of canonical works. Whereas Harry Potter is all over the place. So for one we can say, "yes, that ...
amflare's user avatar
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