Numerous questions use a similar construction to avoid spoilers. That is, referring to the question vaguely: "How did this character do this?" or "Why wasn't this tried?", etc. It can be quite common, especially regarding new releases, and it had become my understanding that this construction was allowable, if not standard.
Obviously most questions won't need such a title, but for those questions whose titles are by-nature spoilers (e.g. "Why did Romeo & Juliet have to kill themselves?"), this is a useful practice. However, one of my similar edits was recently rejected for following this standard. This question's title holds several spoilers, including:
The fact that Banner & Widow are romantically linked, and potentially (I haven't seen the film yet) that Banner is in a relationship with someone else.
Why is editing a title like this, simply to vague-it-up, not acceptable? It seems to me that it's a good way of handling a "hot topic" like a big new release that hasn't hit all markets yet: the poster still gets to ask, the viewers don't get spoiled, and everyone else can just glance at the tags to see if they want to open the question. Simple, effective, and easy all around.
Is there some reason why edits like this aren't acceptable?
Final Note:
It's also worth mentioning that every one of the links in the opening sentence above points to a question from the same user: SS, whose profile states "I am laughing at the face of Americans who can't watch Avengers: Age of Ultron until May 1st (I have already watched). Guess what... I am spoiling them already." and who has asked no less than 21 Age of Ultron questions in a single day, many of which have spoiler-filled titles.
Some of these titles have been edited by me to remove spoilers, some by others, and several remain quite spoiler-filled as of this writing, such as:
Why can't Natasha Romanoff be pregnant?
Now, I would never suggest someone can't ask any questions they may have, in any quantity they may have them and whenever they have them, but it seems that when something becomes excessive, simple anti-spoiler edits are an easy and effective way of handling it.
Why aren't vague title edits allowed?
EDIT: This answer to a similar question would seem to indicate that titles SHOULD be vagued-up, as the very first (and bolded) entry in the spoiler guidelines reads:
Avoid spoilers completely in the title. This doesn't mean using [REDACTED] or silly things like that, it means coming up with another way to summarise the question.
That sounds exactly like "vague it up" to me, right?