Our current trajectory seems to be to restrict this site to mere trivia questions both in and out of various science fiction universes. Who wrote this story? Why did character X in universe Y do Z? Where did idea a come from in story b?
Those are not worthless questions. But they are not Science Fiction. If we restrict this Stack Exchange simply to those questions, then we need to change the name: Science Fiction Trivia and Fandom. Because that's all we'll be. A site for expert Sci-Fi Trivial Pursuit players. Not a site for experts in Science Fiction.
Who are the experts in Science Fiction? They are the writers of Science Fiction. What sort of question are they going to want to ask? They sure as hell aren't interested in answering questions about their stories that a quick trip to wikipedia will answer.
They are interested in asking and answering questions about speculative science. Science that is borderline, science that is on the edge of imagining, new ways to think about old concepts, the breath and blood of Science Fiction. They are going to want a place where they can truly discuss and get feedback on their Science Fiction and the science behind it.
Questions like "Can you terraform a gas giant?" or "Are warp drives actually feasible?" or "Is there a basis for hyperspace?"
They are going to want to ask speculative questions, things that help them hash out their next story. Or questions that allow them to examine previous stories in a new light.
They are going to want to ask about writing Sci-Fi.
Stack Exchanges are supposed to have a target expert. Right now, for a Science Fiction Trivia and Fandom SE, I fit that bill for the target expert. But frankly, I don't really want to participate in a site where I'm the target expert. I can answer any question I might ask on that site with a quick trip to wikipedia (or the relevant in-universe wiki). And any questioners could do the same with any question I could answer.
The target experts for this site should be Science Fiction writers. What sort of site is going to attract Ben Bova, David Brin, Stephen Baxter, Orson Scott Card? What sort of site would have attracted Carl Sagan, Gene Roddenberry, Robert Heinlein or Issac Asimov? That's what we should be asking ourselves. What sort of questions would they ask? What sort of questions would they answer? How can we truly attract the experts?