The notion that questions about science fiction and fantasy video games should be cultivated on this site was first introduced to me with this comment on the Topic of the Week page. Gilles made this sound like an even better idea by commenting:
Gaming is the hot site in the network at the moment. A game-related topic could draw in a lot of visitors if we advertise there.
I now wonder what kind of a traffic and profile increase we could have seen if our site capitalized on the release of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim or Mass Effect 3, both of which gave big boosts to Gaming. To test the waters with this, I have the week starting April 30th designated as Video Game Week as part of the Topic of the Week contests. On top of that, both myself and my fellow CHAOSer Lauren, who currently works with promoting the Gaming site, are trying to figure out an event that would unite both Gaming and SciFi & Fantasy, and hopefully attract users from the massive Gaming site to our awesome site.
The big conundrum is, what type of gaming questions are on topic for Sci-Fi & Fantasy? Judging by our current crop of questions tagged video-games, it seems like only questions about lore, plot and mythology are on-topic here. Is that the case? Do we want that to be the case? Are questions about gameplay off-topic here?
I want to get the community's input so Lauren and I can craft something that will work for both sites and be fun for all users involved.
EDITED TO ADD that, duh, this has pretty much been decided already here. So I will refine the scope of this question to instead discuss what type of event would make sense for Sci-Fi, gaming wise? Would an event here even work? Is there enough plot and non-gameplay minutiae in video games to base an event around? Is this a good idea?