
Simple question, how this question able to be closed by just two people?


1 Answer 1


User TheLethalCarrot has a gold tag badge in that tag. Gold Tag holders can close a duplicate on their own.

Increase close vote weight for gold tag badge holders

"You can instantly close as a duplicate any question that was originally asked with a tag you have a gold badge for."

enter image description here

and if you hover over the gold badge, you'll be provided with an explanation of its meaning.

enter image description here

  • Minor thing to add, there are some limitations. Users are limited in their ability to dupehammer, for example, if they've changed tags (presumably to keep people from retagging a question to their gold-badge target, and instantly closing it, whether or not it fit that tag).
    – FuzzyBoots
    Commented Jun 22, 2022 at 13:32

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