Generally, our policy for closing story-id dupes is that only accepted answers can be marked as dupes, or can be marked as the answer that the others are dupes of. The various Guardians of the Flame answers indicate Book about RPG players who get pulled into their game as the answer they are dupes of, but I don't see anywhere that it was accepted. Before I went out and "fixed" the situation, I wanted to see if maybe there's a deleted acceptance comment I can't see.
1 Answer
There are no deleted answers on this thread, nor any deleted comments on the question or answer.
Fortunately, as a gold tag badge holder you have the power to redirect duplicate targets without reopening and reclosing the duplicate questions.
Alright. I think all of the changes are made. I just didn't want to do it until I was certain there wasn't a good reason they were linking to the other answer. Inertia, I guess. Commented Dec 29, 2018 at 18:49
As a side note, I incorrectly changed the Dupe sources of one question, but changed them back. Commented Dec 29, 2018 at 19:03