As many of you know, I write a lot of story-identification
questions. I've had it commented on from time to time, including that I have a handful where I've also provided the answer after having done further research. ^_^ Just to be perfectly clear, all of these cases were ones where I did not know the answer before I started the question, or even before I submitted the question. However, the question is, is such a practice allowable?
In general, we support people posting questions and answering simultaneously, and it's allowable under general Stack Exchange policy, but it seems to me that it's a kind of iffy practice for story-identification
where it's so terribly subjective, not to mention that there really is no possibility of a "better answer" being posted. On the other hand, it does help others who might look for the story in the future. And, under more selfish motives, it's a way to expose others to the work in question (one could introduce a question relating to the story, but one doesn't always spring to mind and, in my experience, they tend to be largely ignored unless someone else is already of the fandom).