Playing Devil's Advocate, if it's ambiguously SF&F, it might do alright. I've had a few ID questions like that, where I could not remember whether there were actually fantasy elements to the story, or if people just thought that they were in-story. For example, Children's book about a girl maybe being influenced by her black cat to become a witch and Teenage boy travels to Scotland to settle his family's curse. Alternately helped and hindered by a girl from the rival family. Smoked fish?. Although, admittedly, both were slightly ambiguous as to whether there was magic after all. I have a third question that I've never asked here (involving a pair of kids who are convinced that their next-door neighbor is a witch, and manage to convince her enough to play along and try to be one) because I'm 90% certain that it was clear by the end that there was no actual magic.
In cases where it has been found that the work in question is unambiguously not fantasy/sci-fi, I've voted to close, since the question is not on-topic, although it will often stay on the site, because some of the answers are fantasy/sci-fi, and could help others (to give a contrived example, imagine someone looking for a film where a girl keeps getting gifts from her "fairy godmother", they wind up accepting an answer that points out that it's a 1970s TV film where the "fairy godmother" is found to be their mother, secretly encouraging them, no magic involved, but there are also valid answers that match the original question but refer to actual fantastic works).