I'm inquiring about this question:
In the Netflix Daredevil series, is the "Black Sky" concept from any comic?
It is the highest-view question so for this year by a margin of 26,000 (over double the next-highest view count this year). Of those top-ten, it has the second-lowest score (9 compared to 6). I made this query. It's also #9 in views when you include 2014, despite being only 10 days old, and again second-lowest in score (tied at 9, compared to 5).
I realize my question is probably bringing a lot of traffic straight from Google, and so the views aren't necessarily from the community. As such, they aren't creating account with which to vote.
Nevertheless, it's disappointing to me (as a relatively new user), to see my question so lowly voted, when it's clear people want to see what was asked. I've received no feedback as to how to improve my question (it's pretty straightforward), but I would welcome it.
So, would it be appropriate for me to comment on my own question asking new visitors to take the time to register if they found the question and/or answers helpful, so that they vote?
I'm not looking for a rep-gain here (getting a Gold "Famous Question" badge was more than I ever expected!). I mainly use Parenting.SE, where voting is typically much more active for questions and answers with high views. I realize there are far fewer questions to focus attention on in the Parenting Beta.. I'm trying to wrap me head around the differences.