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When the answer to a question may have changed is there a way to recommend a review?

The following question: Why does Captain Lorca care about scattered pockets of negative mass? Was was asked mid-way through Discovery's first season. Now that season one is over I'm wondering if ...
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Please add more choice to post notices

Answerama is causing an influx of quickie questions with one-liner answers. I have put up a few post notices on questions, to try to convey that we would like answers with more information. I used the ...
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10 votes
1 answer

Please have introductory material on the Answerama front page [closed]

The Answerama front page doesn't say anything about what Answerama is. Please add: A link to the about page A link to the FAQ Ideally, some kind of one-line summary right there on the page that tries ...
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