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Questions tagged [answer-quality]

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2 votes
2 answers

Can speculations be accepted as answer?

Well, frankly, the title stands for itself, but in short, can speculations supplied with enough evidence hinting at the speculation be accepted as an answer? Examples: "USA" in the address ...
kesarling's user avatar
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2 votes
1 answer

Should answer edits strive to preserve the owner's intent given answers are living documents? [duplicate]

The simple fact is that answers change. Especially in this SE where new content and plot lines are constantly adding knowledge. So an answer to the Marvel Fantastic Four franchise (to pull a random ...
Vogon Poet's user avatar
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0 votes
2 answers

Why was my answer downvoted?

I posted an answer here to a... not-so-great question. Why was it downvoted? The answer I gave was unarguably the best possible answer for that question. Are the people who didn't like the question ...
user avatar
-9 votes
1 answer

Posting a dummy answer to enable duplicate closure

Questions that do not have an upvoted answer cannot be used (by non-moderators) to close other questions as a duplicate of. This is the error message I receive when I try to close a question as a ...
Alex's user avatar
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4 votes
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Is 'It was never mentioned/explained' a valid answer? [duplicate]

Fans will often be curious or even obsess over tiny details and minutiae that the creators of whatever we are fan of never gave an explanation to, whether it was in-universe or out-of-universe, for ...
Sava's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

When the answer to a question may have changed is there a way to recommend a review?

The following question: Why does Captain Lorca care about scattered pockets of negative mass? Was was asked mid-way through Discovery's first season. Now that season one is over I'm wondering if ...
AidanO's user avatar
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3 answers

Are analogies acceptable as answers?

I recently had an NAA flag declined and was given the following reason: declined - It answers the question using an argument by analogy Are analogies really acceptable as answers, particularly ...
Skooba's user avatar
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10 votes
1 answer

Is this really a good answer?

This answer to this question doesn't seem to seriously address what's being asked, and looks to me like the responder is making a joke (aka a glorified comment). While I don't know much about the ...
DCOPTimDowd's user avatar
  • 10.9k
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Should we accept "Word of God" type answers from users claiming to be Authors/Producers of a franchise? [duplicate]

I noticed an answer where a person claimed to be Writer and Director of a franchise. If the answer had provided canon evidence, then of course it would have been a good answer regardless to who the ...
Aegon's user avatar
  • 48.5k
4 votes
1 answer

Why was this flag on a post that doesn't answer the question disputed?

I have recently flagged this post as not an answer. While it does feature clear reasoning and fair amount of knowledge, I was unable to detect an answer to the original question. Why was my flag ...
Gallifreyan's user avatar
  • 20.6k
9 votes
1 answer

Why was this flag disputed?

The answer in question consists of a wall of texts which, to my inspection, does not contain an answer to the original question. I flagged it as not an answer, yet my flag was disputed. So my ...
Gallifreyan's user avatar
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14 votes
2 answers

How should old, highly voted answers that do not meet our standards be handled?

SFF.SE has been around for a while now; it has grown and matured along the way. We seek to provide quality answers to quality questions. All this material is kept preserved for all to see now and in ...
Skooba's user avatar
  • 61.3k
12 votes
2 answers

Quoting personal insider knowledge of production for an answer

I got this answer where the answerer says they have a friend who works on the production of a show. Based on a scene that was allegedly included in the production, the answerer hints at an answer. If ...
Fiksdal's user avatar
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12 votes
3 answers

What to do when Very Low Quality flags are not available?

Recently, the Very Low Quality (VLQ) flag underwent a major change. It is now no longer available on answers older than 7 days, as described here. There are many answers much more than a week old ...
Adamant's user avatar
  • 119k
3 votes
1 answer

Should a comment referenced from wiki be posted as an answer? [duplicate]

I posted a recent comment to this question: Is there any evidence that this character survived X-Men: Apocalypse? My comment basically referenced a quote from the wiki which didn't seem to have much ...
user35594's user avatar
  • 11.3k
1 vote
1 answer

I made a poor choice in picking an answer

On one question I asked a while back, I wanted an answer about how a particular topic was addressed in Star Trek (specifically in Star Trek: Voyager). I don't know what I was thinking when I picked ...
Tango's user avatar
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3 votes
0 answers

Please adopt these answers

The following answers aren't 100% complete and I won't be working on them after today. If anyone likes them, please consider adopting them and improving. Which predictions of the Force Awakens: ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
8 votes
5 answers

Joined today, account banned?

So...I just joined this community today, and have posted several answers (SciFi Fantasy, not Meta), and I am now receiving the message that the site is no longer accepting answers from my account? I ...
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21 votes
3 answers

Upvoting 'funny' answers

I recently downvoted this highly upvoted answer to a currently very popular question. The answer was written well, and offered an interesting perspective, but I felt it was not very useful to the ...
Zibbobz's user avatar
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Acceptable to edit an answerer's comment into his answer?

A few days ago I asked When did Morpheus find out the Oracle is a program? I received a good answer from Nerrolken but we had a short discussion in the comments about an issue I mentioned in my ...
Null's user avatar
  • 70.3k
6 votes
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Can I answer based on my ideas and reasoning of a film without official source?

I keep receiving downvotes for a, in my opinion, valid answer. The reason is because I'm using my ideas and reasoning of a film instead of using other sources. If this information was on a webpage ...
SysDragon's user avatar
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4 votes
2 answers

How should questions asking for evidence be answered?

There are a lot of questions on this site which ask for evidence. I think there's a substantial difference between questions which ask "Is X true/likely?" and "What is the evidence for X?" This is a ...
curiousdannii's user avatar
5 votes
3 answers

Is it acceptable to provide poor answers to your own Story-ID question?

Typically, when there's a story-identification question that lists several points; and that question has a bad answer (e.g. an answer only stating the name of the work with ZERO information on how ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
12 votes
3 answers

Is answering with alternative source knowledge a good fit when it is not required by the OP?

Reading this answer, I was about to upvote it when it struck me... it does not answer the question. Questions about franchises that exist in multiple formats often explicitly ask for a comparison ...
Kalissar's user avatar
  • 11.3k
12 votes
2 answers

How to comment on "There is no in-universe answer"/"plot hole" answers lacking any evidence?

Sometimes a question is asked to which the answer is posted stating "There is no in-universe answer" (aka "it's a plot hole"). Such answers in and of themselves are OK in general, but as discussed in ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

How to comment on answers lacking citations

What is some good boilerplate for a comment on a post that lacks citations or references? When you see a post that appears to be pure conjecture, not backed up by or referencing the source material, ...
user avatar
11 votes
2 answers

What should we do about Wikipedia-like answers?

Quite often I see users posting reams of superfluous information to an answer, after their summary which is sufficient. Often this information is flat, I.e. it does not include reasoning to support ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
  • 82.3k
10 votes
2 answers

Please add more choice to post notices

Answerama is causing an influx of quickie questions with one-liner answers. I have put up a few post notices on questions, to try to convey that we would like answers with more information. I used the ...
user avatar
10 votes
1 answer

Please have introductory material on the Answerama front page [closed]

The Answerama front page doesn't say anything about what Answerama is. Please add: A link to the about page A link to the FAQ Ideally, some kind of one-line summary right there on the page that tries ...
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6 votes
0 answers

On flagging and low-quality answers

Possibly due to the Futurama event, we've had a rash of bad answers by drive-by users recently, especially but by no means exclusively on Futurama questions. These answers need curating. There are two ...
user avatar
8 votes
1 answer

How is question quality determined, for review etc?

I want to make a data query that looks for archaeology eligible posts, but I also want to try and narrow it down to posts that need editing and not just random posts. How is the 'quality of post' ...
AncientSwordRage's user avatar
  • 82.3k
5 votes
2 answers

Should we encourage plain English over acronyms / memes / techie jargon?

I realize that most of the regulars on this site (including me) are quite savvy in technical terms, in-universe lingo, and Internet-speak. But not everyone who looks for answers on this site may be. ...
NorbyTheGeek's user avatar
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In-universe speculation vs. original research

While there are many ways to classify questions, one common way seems to be whether it is looking for a real-world answer or an in-universe explanation. As a believer in the power of community-driven ...
Frank Pierce's user avatar
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-1 votes
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Should we hold "don't know" / "unknown" answers to a similar research standard as questions?

I've noticed several times people posting the first Google result, or a Wikipedia copy-and-paste, for a not-very-useful answer. For example I asked How long is Kai's brace cable and how does he carry ...
user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

When should answers be converted to comments?

Recently an answer I posted to this question was converted to a comment by a moderator, apparently because it was considered a non-serious answer. I posted it as an answer rather than a comment ...
Kyle Jones's user avatar
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