MLP:FIM has been discussed before and I think the consensus is that it's on-topic.
I've watched a lot of MLP (FIM and the generations before), and now my daughter has exposed me to the latest abomination^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H variation: Equestria Girls. In this new show,
Twilight Sparkle and Spike travel through a portal to "another world" where Spike is transformed into a dog and Twilight into a high-school girl. In the course of their quest, they meet 5 other girls who are remarkably similar to the other 5 ponies. (Who'd have guessed?!)
This question seems to be about Equestria Girls, and it's probably clear from my comments there and here that I don't see much redeeming value in the show. Although it's a spin-off of FIM, I'm hoping it could be declared off-topic. The focus of the show is not so much magic and talking ponies as it is "standard" high-school girl situations, which doesn't seem very SF&F to me.
Please, can it be deemed off-topic?