Yesterday I saw this answer, which essentially summarized an entire story in plain view, so I suggested this edit to hide the summary and require the user to mouse over it to read it. This edit was rejected, and the reason given was this:
This edit does not make the post even a little bit easier to read, easier to find, more accurate or more accessible. Changes are either completely superfluous or actively harm readability.
I'm a little surprised and am wondering what might have been the issue. There are a couple of possible things that come to mind, but if it's either one of these, I would be relatively surprised:
Hiding plot spoilers is not considered proper grounds for editing another user's answer.
I did insert a brief, non-spoiler description of the story.
As far as the second possible reason goes, the reason I did this is that SE requires you to enter at least six characters to edit another person's post, although just hiding that summary only requires you to enter a single character. Instead of doing something weird to meet the six-character quota, I just entered a brief summary without a spoiler, which basically only had information that was already in the original answer (in the story's summary).
I'm honestly having a little trouble following the reasoning behind it getting rejected. Somebody else in the meantime has made a similar edit, which will keep the spoiler out of view. What was the reasoning behind the original rejection?