Prompted by a question about the Game of Thrones TV series: What did Melisandre (the red woman/priestess) give birth to?
The scene being questioned about is at the end of one episode, and the question is very likely to be answered within the following episode (which has been produced, and scheduled for broadcast). I feel that this is time-localised, and therefore not a good question (as per FAQ).
A similar question from a different series (Doctor Who) that was given as a counter-example: Who is the eye patch woman? - I can't comment about the validity, since I'm not familiar with the storyline here, but it seems to me that again, this is time-localised as the answers are available in the unfolding of the rest of the series.
Frankly, I feel that this is the same as only half-reading a book before asking a question (in fact, another counter-example was raised: What is the significance of Saruman's Ring? - I actually agree that this is a valid question, as the questioner here has apparently read the entire book and found no answer).
Related question: What is the limit for questions about ongoing series?