There's a few things going on here. The question you've highlighted ( isn't actually a duplicate of the other question ( since one is asking about **permanent** transfers and the other is asking about **temporary** study programmes and exchanges. It is, however a duplicate of an existing question ( which already has several canon answers. ---------- I've used my gold badge to undupe the questions (which never should have been linked together) and re-duped the first question with the third. You now need to copy [your answer][1] from the second question to the third since it adds new information about temporary transfers. You should also delete your answer from the second question since it doesn't actually answer the question asked (e.g. about permanent transfers). ---------- For the record, you didn't make the second question a duplicate by answering since your answer ***didn't answer the question asked*** and would, I presume, have eventually been deleted by the community. [1]: