I could not find anything, but is there a detailed explanation on what is required of you once you hit certain rep scores? 

At present having reached 3,000 <strike>posts</strike> (rep count, always mixing the two words), it seems to give you a fair bit of power to moderate posts. Problem is, I am not real sure what is correct usage of this. It would be nice if there was a link to a page in your inbox that tells you what is required of you. 

The way I see it right now is that this is a pretty big responsibility and to keep new members attracted to the site a fair system is needed.

I can also see a that a lot of people won't necessarily read every page on the rules when they join a forum. A lot of people use the '*trial and error*' method, e.g. if this question is accepted then this should be the type of question I need to ask from now on. But, I have seen that this does not necessarily mean that those questions are quality posts.

I hope you can understand what I am trying to say as I am not the best at English. I just would like to see a prompt to show guidelines after you receive your next privilege.