I nominate [**Terminator 2: Judgement Day**](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_2:_Judgment_Day).

[![terminator 2][1]][1]

From Wikipedia:

> Terminator 2 follows Sarah Connor (Hamilton) and her ten-year-old son John (Furlong) as they are pursued by a new, more advanced Terminator, the liquid metal, shapeshifting T-1000 (Patrick), sent back in time to kill John Connor and prevent him from becoming the leader of the human resistance. A second, less advanced Terminator (Schwarzenegger) is also sent back in time to protect John.


Extra Point Score

 - **Bechdel Test** - [Passed (*dubiously*)][2] (Sarah has a brief conversation with Sarah (and Miles) Dyson about the future).  
 - **F-Rated - Passed.** The film's lead actor is a waitress-turned-terrorist.
 - **Nominated Female - <s>Failed</s> Passed (co-sponsored by [User22792][3])**


  [1]: https://i.sstatic.net/R4XsI.png
  [2]: http://bechdeltest.com/view/847/terminator_2:_judgement_day/
  [3]: https://movies.stackexchange.com/users/22792/user22792