After the success of our [March Movie night][1], it's time to choose a sci-fi/fantasy film for April's viewing pleasure. After consulting with absolutely no-one, I've decided that the theme for our next event will be "[**Ladies' Night!**][2]". **Nominate your favourite film below and we'll watch it together.** ------------------------------------------------------------------- ---------- Rules ----- - **Upvotes count as one point.** Final decision will be on the 31st March at midnight GMT. **Downvotes will be ignored.** - 1 additional point will be awarded for the following criteria; - The film is "[**F-Rated**][3]" (*written by* **or** *directed by* **or** *starring women in a complex role*) - The film passes the [**"Bechdel Test"**][4] (*two **named** female characters talk about something other than a man*) - The film has been suggested by user who identifies as female. ---------- FAQ --- **[Q. What is a movie night?][5]** **A.** *Great fun.* **Q.** **How do I nominate a film?** **A.** *By posting an answer below. I'll append the additional points (if any) by edit.* **Q.** **What if I'm a vile misogynist who wants to watch a film with [no women][6] in it [at all][7]?** **A.** *Wait until May.* [1]: [2]: [3]:,asc [4]: [5]: [6]: [7]: