Questions tagged [data-explorer]

For questions relating to the Stack Exchange Data Explorer or SEDE, a tool for running arbitrary queries against public data on Stack Exchange sites, available at

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15 votes
1 answer

How many total users and total "voting" users does SFF have?

I'm sure there's a Data Explorer query for this, but it's been many years so I'm hoping someone more proficient has one handy. I'm looking for two stats: Total SFF.SE users Total SFF.SE users who ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
6 votes
2 answers

What names from Star Wars are often misspelled?

I've created a query to search for commonly misspelled names from Tolkien's Legendarium. Since Millennium Falcon seems prone to being misspelled as well, as well as "Wookiee", we may want to ...
SQB's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

What other names from Tolkien's Legendarium are often misspelled?

I've created a query to find posts that misspell Silmarillion or Silmaril. It seems we've corrected most of them now. (I think DavidW deserves a mention here, who has done a lot of these corrections.) ...
SQB's user avatar
  • 38.7k
4 votes
1 answer

Who are the top users in our tags?

After a recent discussion over in TREU with another user I wondered if there was a way to find out who the top users in our tags are. I know we can do this by going to the Top Users tab of the tags ...
TheLethalCarrot's user avatar
  • 143k
4 votes
1 answer

Can a Data Stack Exchange query be used to dynamically update an answer?

I recently wrote an answer to this question; Which question on SFF has the highest number of downvotes? However, within a few days it was out of date. No doubt if I check it again in a few days, it'...
Valorum's user avatar
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7 votes
1 answer

How linky am I?

Is there a good Data Explorer query to find how "SFF-linky" my answers are in-site? In more technical terms, for a given user, how many links to SFF.SE are on average in their answers on the site?
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
3 votes
2 answers

Why are there so many deleted posts made on 2015-08-22?

I made a graph of deleted posts on the site per day (day of post creation, not its day of deletion): The spike on 2012-06-28 is because of Answerama, a Stack Exchange promotion that did not turn out ...
Molag Bal's user avatar
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7 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to determine your average question and answer scores?

I'd like to determine the average number of upvotes and downvotes for all my questions and answers. Are there any database commands to do this?
Rogue Jedi's user avatar
53 votes
1 answer

Map of all 2,355 tags

Inspired by this question, I created a map of all tags on the site. I used some software from the same person who made the TagOverflow online tool. This tool uses a data.SE query, so it isn’t limited ...
Molag Bal's user avatar
  • 4,773
7 votes
1 answer

View the most valuable tags (determined by votes per view)

We now have a way of determining the most valuable tags! Okay, okay, so it's all a bit subjective... The query 'Most Valuable Questions' displays the top 500 questions, sorted by votes/views, with the ...
user avatar
13 votes
5 answers

What are some useful Stack Exchange Data Explorer queries for this site?

During a discussion in chat, the question came up if there were any particularly useful SEDE (Stack Exchange Data Explorer) queries for this stack.
SQB's user avatar
  • 38.7k
16 votes
3 answers

Do "story-id" questions actually bring in new users that stick around?

The story-identification questions do an excellent job as a way to bring in new users, which is important for us to continue to function as a community. While the core regular users are important, a ...
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
3 votes
0 answers

PSA: use this nifty Data Explorer query to see how close you are to Taxonomist badge

I haven't seen that query on DataExplorer before (searching for "Taxonomist" in query list). For your pleasure, I present: How close are you to a Taxonomist Badge
DVK-on-Ahch-To's user avatar
10 votes
3 answers

Scifi-Fantasy not on the Data Explorer

From what I can tell, our site is not available for searching through the Data Explorer. Why is this and what can we do to help get it there?
Kalamane's user avatar
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