Linked Questions

6 votes
0 answers

What is it about tvtropes link disclaimers? is it a running gag or is there some real danger? [duplicate]

I have already read many times comments that complain they weren't warned that something is a TVtropes link or, similarly, "duh, dat tvtrope link, damn I'm at work!" or simply sometimes even a simple ...
Zaibis's user avatar
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57 votes
8 answers

Should this be a clickbait site, or should we stand by SE standards of question quality?

[Edit: Richard is stepping down. This was NOT the desired outcome, here. At most, I hoped for clarified policies: a learning opportunity, not a blame-and-punishment game. I really hope this question ...
Dewi Morgan's user avatar
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14 votes
29 answers

2015 Moderator Election Q&A - Question Collection

In connection with the moderator elections, we will be holding a Q&A with the candidates. This will be an opportunity for members of the community to pose questions to the candidates on the topic ...
Grace Note's user avatar
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22 votes
14 answers

July Film Night: The Iron Giant, featuring Vin Diesel, this Sunday!

The theme of July's movie night will be: Robots! 🤖 Your film should significantly involve, or be about, robots. At least one of them. Possibly, but not necessarily, giant robots. Mechas are counted. ...
doppelgreener's user avatar
30 votes
6 answers

Is this site "cliquey"?

In How do we differentiate between religion and fiction? a user observed is "cliquey". Valorum - "Let the downvotes be your guide. What you're suggesting is not 'nice' and we're all about ...
Slytherincess's user avatar
6 votes
21 answers

Shark vs Gorilla Blog Posts

In the chat JohnO suggested a Shark vs Gorilla series of blog posts. While Shark vs Gorilla questions are not allowed in the normal site, it could be something fun for people to participate in on the ...
Jack B Nimble's user avatar
12 votes
9 answers

2016 Moderator Election Q&A - Questionnaire

In connection with the moderator elections, we are holding a Q&A thread for the candidates. Questions collected from an earlier thread have been compiled into this one, which shall now serve as ...
Grace Note's user avatar
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21 votes
5 answers

How should we handle questions that are easily answered by Wikipedia? [duplicate]

Examples: What is filk and how do I find it? (see Filk) What exactly were the Prophets? (see Prophets) What is the precise definition of 'Steampunk'? (see Steampunk) (and even the super-upvoted) Who ...
Reinstate Monica - Goodbye SE's user avatar
18 votes
2 answers

What is so wrong about TVTropes?

Why so many people uses so many times a bold or an italic font (or both), often with many exclamation points at the end, to warn people, that link is pointing to TVTropes? What is so wrong about this ...
trejder's user avatar
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26 votes
3 answers

How come our main chat, Mos Eisley, got frozen this time?

Mos Eisley is currently frozen#, apparently indefinitely. I assume it has something to do with the users mentioned in @Shog9's banner, but is it possible that we be told - at least in concept - what ...
Möoz's user avatar
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21 votes
4 answers

Does "Elephant Vs Terminator" = "Gorilla Vs Shark"?

This question : Is an elephant stronger than a terminator? instantly attracted 5 votes to close for being 'primarily opinion-based'. Several of the commenters made reference to the classic 'Gorilla ...
Valorum's user avatar
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20 votes
6 answers

Proposals for a list of FAQ questions

For the pedants: yes, I realise that "FAQ questions" looks like a tautology, as it means "frequently asked questions questions". But in this context, the word FAQ refers to the tag, so it means "meta ...
Rand al'Thor's user avatar
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13 votes
4 answers

Posting large swaths of Wikipedia as answers

I know Wikipedia has the answers to a lot of the questions posed here, but I've been seeing a lot of answers by people just posting large paragraphs from there or say, on a Star Trek question, from ...
Slick23's user avatar
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2 answers

What's with the time travelling robots?

I often see comments like "Oh no, time travelling robots again" on story identification questions. Why? What's the history behind that? Why is it an issue? Tried to search, but haven't found anything ...
Mr Lister's user avatar
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12 votes
2 answers

Quotes on the site cover how much of the Harry Potter books?

Answers and questions on SciFi Stack Exchange often contain excerpts (quotes, quotations) from the Harry Potter novels. We have over a thousand questions. Could you estimate how much of the novels ...
b_jonas's user avatar
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