This question was posted today: What is the fight club theory?
The OP is asking about a particular fan theory relating to the Game of Thrones TV series, of which they've heard the name but want to know what the theory actually says. The question has been closed as "unclear what you're asking"; however, at least one of the close-voters VTCed the question for being poorly researched:
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this shows zero research. A simple google search would answer this. – Aegon
As I pointed out very quickly, being poorly researched is a reason to downvote, not a reason to close-vote. Since it seems perfectly clear (at least to me) what the OP is asking, I'm worried that others may have voted to close for the same reason. IMO, this is a valid question, albeit poorly researched, and therefore should be reopened.
What do others think? Should this question be reopened or stay closed?
Disclaimer: I was the one who answered it.