Question Reference: What can stop a Lightsaber? [duplicate]
Some weeks ago we were having a big discussion on a question of mine wether it's a duplicate or not. I am posting this without minding what was the result of that.
Valorum closed my question as a duplicate (Mind that only one person supported that at the moment). I strongly believe that my question (without even needing any editing) is not a duplicate because my question is talking/asking specifically for weapons that can be used by someone to fight against a Lightsaber and the question that was tagged by Valorum as duplicated is clearly talking about effective armors against blasters etc. A person with a bit of logic can see the clear difference between these two questions, so I kindly urge you to reopen my question.
To continue, as for persons with administrative rights or gold badges, because they got one of these it doesn't mean that they are always CORRECT or that they are ABOVE RULES. This is the second time in a row that my question is getting closed without me being asked to revise the question or give an explanation as for why my question is not a duplicate or the "investigator" trying to talk about it (and see even if he is wrong about his thinking), which as a fact I know it should be done from our previous duplicated question contradiction. In my opinion if there can't be order and rules/regulations following then something should be done for this to change. Best case scenario start the process of making rules on under which circumstances someone with privileges should close a question as a duplicate or any other state or not.
Being proactive is better than have to clean up the mess later.
It is very nerve breaking and provocative when people close your questions without providing any reasons except for "I command I conquer".