In the first month of the blog, we've had 15 posts (2 more in draft at the moment, and lumping all the WorldCon ones together) from 7 authors - a pretty great start!
The "how do I contribute" post has the following information:
The organisers maintain a posting schedule, so that we have a regular flow of content, so they'll organize with you when the best time for your post to go live is (time-sensitive posts, like reviews of events, can be done outside the regular schedule, of course). Please work within the schedule so that we don't have lots of posts in a day and then a drought for a couple of weeks.
However, this isn't really how things are currently working, and it's mostly based on the way that other Stack Exchange sites handle their blogs and suggests from the SE staff (although I think I read recently that SuperUser has stopped using their Google Doc).
I believe the goals are:
- Every post should have some sort of minimum time as the most recent entry, since that's what you see when you go to the site.
- We don't want to have (e.g.) five posts one week and then none the next.
Potentially, we can also build up an expectation of certain types of content on particular days of the week (this was recommended by SE more than once). For example, movie reviews on Monday, book reviews on Wednesday, other stuff on Saturday. Personally, I'm not convinced that this sort of schedule will work for us (at least not yet).
For those that are contributing or those that think they might: what would be the best way to organise this for you? (I'll pre-seed with some suggestions, but do add your own as well if nothing fits).