In about a month, the next Avengers film, Avengers: Age of Ultron will be released. To celebrate and prepare for the occasion, I'd like to do a promotion of marvel-cinematic-universe posts. I hope this draws attention to this tag, and encourages some additional posts.
The promotion is simple, I ask y'all to post answers here on Meta highlighting questions and answers in this tag that are, like Thor, worthy. Which is to say, posts that are interesting, high-quality, or just in general impressive. Post a link and a short blurb about what you like about the post, and the community can then vote on your nomination.
I will then place bounties on the highest posts to draw attention to them on the Main site. The number and value of the bounties will depend on how many posts get nominated.
Let me know what questions/comments you have either by commenting below, or by @mentioning me in chat, where I frequently hang out.
This is inspired by a similar promotion over on Anime.SE.