Now that I've been kinda sortof put in charge of the blog I'd like to continue to see contributions.
Ways you can contribute
- Review a science fiction or fantasy work (new or otherwise). This could be tv, movies, comics, books, and merchandise (box sets, or toys).
- Write about a recent event, such as if you attended a convention or other specialized function.
- Submit a short story+, or a preview chapter from a scifi/fantasy work you have published or are working on. If your submission is lengthy it might be good to break it out and serialize it over a period of time.
One idea on how a lot of people can contribute a little bit
I had an idea for a group contributed short story. Basically, one would start the story (maybe a 1-2 page chapter) then someone else would continue the story, then a third person would continue off that. The evolution of the story could make it fun for people to participate, and it is an opportunity to build something together as part of the community.
How to help even if you won't be able to personally contribute
And hey, if you have other ideas, even if you don't have time to work on them, mention them here, maybe someone else will be able to take your idea and make something from it.
+I've been told that fan fictions based on existing work (such as Star Trek) may pose a legal issue for the StackExchange Network. Please refrain from submitting stories set in a franchise which are not available for license-free use or may be copyright restricted.