Answerama is live!
Check out the site. Our awesome designer Jin Yang really knocked it out of the park, as did balpha and Lauren on the dev end. Keep an eye out, because later you will see that Balpha made avatars float in a jar! It's a wonder.
How does it work?
Answerama is now home to all of the open questions tagged futurama on the site. We will be awarding one winner on a daily basis, every day at 12AM UTC. How do you win?
- Each day at 12 AM UTC/8 PM EDT until July 11, one winner will be drawn randomly from the pool of users who have written a question or answer with a minimum score of three that has been posted since the start of Futurama week on June 13th.
- Each question or answer a user has with a minimum score of three will act as one entry into the pool; the more quality questions and answers you write, the bigger chance you have to win
- Must be tagged futurama to be eligible
- Users may only win once
- Question must not be closed
- No bots, no scripts, no multiple accounts, be nice and play fair
More in-depth rules and a run-down of the prizes can be found here. The first winner will be crowned later today, and your avatar will float in a jar on the main page!
Enjoy the contest, and ask awesome Futurama questions, and be on the lookout for awesome Futurama questions that you can provide awesome answers for!