So I saw that The Ashley Judd question got re-opened after a massive edit, I think that is a good thing and part of the proccess. However, I think this is a very sad statement from the community as even the new question I don't think is a really good example of what we should be doing here.
Update 1:
The question was edited after it was closed - which I missed so there may be some confusion on the close reason. This is the original question:
What TNG episodes does Ashley Judd appear in?</title>
What was her characters name and what was her role in the episodes? I've got "The Game" -- I can't remember a second time, but I know there was one.
That is the text that was involved in the uproar, I still don't think it's a great questions, but better than originally asked.
In fact the edits changed the question in such a dramatic way, that I should have been a new question IMHO.
I've inserted the post history below so everyone can see what i'm talking about. Events are newest at the top, oldest at the bottom.
Why do I think this is a bad question?
- It's beyond an easily google-able question. There is no added value to simply posting an answer with a) the episode name and b) a link to IMDB/Wikipedia/etc
- There is really nothing of value that can be added without straying off topic of the question, while Tony makes a valiant effort, his answer veers off course into a discussion on why certain characters where not in the movie Nemesis
- Another place listing what actors where in what TV show/Movie doesn't make the internet a better place
- I whole heartedly agree with Jeff on this one
Mark Trapp put it very well in the comments when he said:
This type of question is a death trap: leaving it open allows for people to ask this about every single TNG guest star, or heck every single guest star on every single SF show ever. Do we really want the site to be consumed with these types of questions?
So, i've resisted just shutting it back down for now. And I pose this question to the community, why is it a good question that makes the internet better?