My voting policy for Story ID answers varies depending on the quality of the question.
For questions that deserve an upvote (sufficient detail, interesting description), I upvote an answer if it is indicated as the correct one, or if it is for an incorrect answer that matches exactly all of the information provided by the question (i.e. the question, while still detailed, is worded in such a way as to allow for multiple "correct" answers, only one of which would be the one the OP is looking for). This is to reward people who put the time into checking the details of the question against their memories and/or research on the topic.
If you are answering, and 3 of the 4 criteria match what was described in the question, but the 4th criteria clearly does not match your recommendation, then you get no upvote from me.
However... if the question is poorly formed, and does not deserve an upvote (does not provide enough information, or is such a generic description that it could be any number of fairly populat stories), I am more inclined to vote for answers that make an honest attempt to answer the question, while providing suggestions that seem particularly interesting.
Given multiple valid answers identifying the same title, I'll upvote the one that provides the most useful information.