It seems unnecessary to create a second tag for Harry Potter questions which include Voldemort. If we are going to do that then where are the Gandalf, Aragorn, Peter Wiggin, R2D2, and Crookshanks tags?
I think tags should be the franchise, and not specific characters.
It also seems like the voldemort tag randomly sprung up overnight and was immediately added to 30 odd questions.
There are 87 questions relating to Picard, but he doesn't have a tag. On the other hand Q has a tag, and only 10 questions.
There is a Wolverine tag, but no Cyclops (or other X-Men).
There is a single She-Hulk tag that someone added to a BrettWhite question.
What are the criteria for character specific tags?
Is a Picard specific tag going to return significantly different results from just putting Picard in the search box?