Consider this following spoiler block:

The quick brown fox: * Jumped over the lazy dog * And did something else.

It should have one paragraph, then a bulleted list with two items - just as if it were not in a quoted non-spoiler block:

The quick brown fox:

  • Jumped over the lazy dog
  • And did something else.

Or no block at all:

The quick brown fox:

  • Jumped over the lazy dog
  • And did something else.

... but that's not what happening. Why?


1 Answer 1


Spoiler markdown doesn't really work well with other markdown. This is pretty much by design as we don't want too much content being hidden.

That said you can insert a list into spoiler markdown by using plain HTML like the below:

>! The quick brown fox:
>! <ul>
>!   <li>Jumped over the lazy dog</li>
>!   <li>And did something else.</li>
>! </ul>

Which renders as the below:

The quick brown fox:

  • Jumped over the lazy dog
  • And did something else.

  • Breaking spoiler markdown doesn't seem like the reasonable way to discourage long spoilers.
    – einpoklum
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 13:14
  • @einpoklum It's not breaking spoiler markdown, it's a lack of features for it... which is a bit different.
    – TheLethalCarrot Mod
    Commented Jun 24, 2019 at 13:17

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