The novel Inferno written by Dan Brown isn't a science fiction or fantasy novel.
So how can anyone ask question about this novel in the Science fiction & Fantasy site?
The novel Inferno written by Dan Brown isn't a science fiction or fantasy novel.
So how can anyone ask question about this novel in the Science fiction & Fantasy site?
How can this question about Inferno be asked on this site?
Anyone can ask any question they like on the site. The real question is why did no one flag or vote to close it as off topic when it was asked. The answer to that is probably no one thought about it too hard. The answerer has, however, commented the following: this Science Fiction & Fantasy per se? "He noted after answering." :)
So someone at least guessed it might not have been SFF-nal but wasn't sure enough that they didn't VTC it.
Sometimes things stay around longer than they should because the right people aren't around at the right time.
In any case I have now cast a close vote as off topic so we shall see if it gets closed in the queue or not.
As has been noted in the comments here by Alex you don't need to post a meta question about a question that should be closed. Until you hit 3k reputation you can always flag it as off topic to send it to queue. Once you hit 3k reputation you can then vote to close it which will also send it to queue.
Though if you're unsure you can always ask on meta as you have done here and there's usually someone hanging around in chat, in TREU, that I'm sure could help you if you just want some quick reassurance.
This particular question should probably have been asked on Movies & TV (it's on topic and has already been asked there) and it may also be on topic on Literature.SE but seeing as it was asking about the movie I'm not 100% on that.